Two Dubious Ways To Make Money December 29, 2020December 29, 2020 But first . . . Even the Trump-supporting New York Post thinks this is insane. And now . . . One way to make money, maybe, is to take fliers on some of the stocks I mention here from time to time. (Part of my theory: it’s fun. And if you use the losers to lower your taxable income and your winners-held-more-than-a-year to fund charitable giving you would otherwise have done with cash — perhaps through a Gift Fund account at Fidelity or Schwab as described here — then, even if you only break even, you’ll still come out ahead after tax.) David M.: “Could you publish an end-of-the-year update on your various stock recommendations? I bought these in the last year or so: BOREF, for which I paid about $9; ANIX, $3; BKUTK, $400; CNF, $5; CNXM, $10; CTHR, 75 cents; PRKR, 12 cents; SPRT, $2 (which became $1 when they distributed $1/share at the end of last year).” → So long as this is all money you can truly afford to lose, I’d just hang on. They are all very different, of course, except in this respect: all will require lots of continued patience — if they work out at all. The only one for which something might happen fast is PRKR. Favorable rulings over the next several months could multiply last night’s 39-cent closing price nicely. Unfavorable rulings, on the other hand . . . well, you get the idea. Or you could start your own religion, as John Oliver once did (and Trump basically has), and make a ton of money that way.