Everybody dies sooner or later.
So far.
(As Bill Gates long ago explained: “Mortality is just a software problem.”)
But in the meantime?
Three items today: how to live, how to die, how to prevent dementia in between.
Let’s start with that one.
A friend of more than half a century is strong of heart and fit — but slipping ever further away, unable to tie his shoes or remember where he is. He’s lived a terrific life, his name attached to several worthy things he conceived and funded . . . but now? The toll on his wife and kids is enormous; the sadness it brings his pals, profound. When his cheerful caregiver told me recently that “he mentions you two or three times a day,” I wanted to cry. (Man of steel though I am.)
If you’re in your forties or fifties, let alone older — or if you have friends or relatives who are — would you please give Brain HQ a try? And urge them to?
Based on a lot of peer reviewed research, it would seem that adding BrainHQ to your routine will dramatically lower the risk of your ever suffering my friend’s fate. (Or, if you’re an aging quarterback, serve to improve your chances of making it to another Superbowl.)
The Wall Street Journal last week offered a demonstration of BrainHQ’s “Double Decision,” one of its 29 exercises. But the best demonstration is just to give it 5 or 10 minutes a day for a week (say) to try it yourself. Free.
They’ve added a nice human voice to guide you through.
Another friend of long-standing directed the original “Grease” on Broadway years ago (“tell me more, tell more,” I hear you sing . . . or you could read his new book about it all).
Last week he was written up in the New York Times — for flying on the trapeze.
At 79.
In this podcast, Sam Harris interviews BJ Miller and Shoshana Berger, authors of A Beginner’s Guide to the End: Practical Advice for Living Life and Facing Death. After listening (at 1.25 speed), I ordered the book. My current plan is to live forever; but just in case.