There’s POT In The Latkes December 21, 2020December 21, 2020 Oy! Enough a’ready! But I say: No! If you missed Hamilton Hanukkah Friday, treat yourself! (And — while I’m not myself a fan of edibles —who can resist these?) Surprise: Q-Anon was nurtured by Russia. Putin hit us with a surprise attack in 2016 more lethal to our long-term strength and national unity than Pearl Harbor. It is ongoing. The commander-in-chief doesn’t care. His followers have been conned into believing him and Putin over our intelligence agencies. The Second Cold War has pitted a judo black belt against a fake-wrestling fan; a KGB-military veteran over a bone-spur lothario. Guess whose country has been winning? I know this is impulsive and unexpected. But . . . marry me?