In the “How Exciting Is It To Be Alive Now That It’s All Coming Together Faster and Faster? (So, Can We Please Not Screw It Up?)” department — like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle near the end of the game, when it’s more and more obvious what fits with what (but your evil big sibling lurks, threatening to upend the whole thing just before you finish; because if we know anything about humans it is that even the best of us harbor a demonic impulse or two) — take eight minutes to see the smart-phone-based medicine of tomorrow.
The growth in health care costs may indeed continue to bend downward even as quality and convenience improve.
(All this as Republicans cut funding for the National Institutes of Health, because . . . well, why fund life-saving scientific research? How could that lead to a better life or a stronger economy? Please, for the love of God if you worship Him or the love of reason if you don’t, get everyone you know to register and vote this November, even though they usually don’t bother. Wresting the Tea Party wrench from the gears of our gridlocked government is so worth the effort.)