See It Tonight June 16, 2006January 15, 2017 BEST MONEY MARKET AND CD RATES Click here. DUST UP Michael Martin: ‘The media picked up the dust storm but it’s really not unusual. For the past couple of years they haven’t been too common, but I remarked to someone during the storm that it was like returning to normalcy.’ Sharon Shindel: ‘You turn off your lights so that cars following behind you won’t think you are still driving and follow you off the road and run into you.’ B. SMALLER Sandra Wilde: ‘I love Barbara Smaller! I used one of her cartoons for the cover of a book I wrote (you can enlarge the picture to see the cartoon). I would have loved to by the original, but it was way more expensive than the rights, which were only $300.’ IF THEY MADE A MOVE ABOUT YOUR HOME, WOULD YOU GO SEE IT? Well – they have! In 39 years, I have never written these words in a movie review, but here they are: You owe it to yourself to see this film. If you do not, and you have grandchildren, you should explain to them why you decided not to. – Roger Ebert