Put ME In This Hyperbarium! December 15, 2020December 15, 2020 But before we get to that . . . This lecturer in psychiatry at Yale thinks he knows why Trump can’t concede. Grievance addiction. Literally. And now . . . Technically, I guess it’s a hyperbaric chamber. But if fish live in an aquarium and Greeks lived in Byzantium . . . Israeli scientists put 35 old-ish folks into them 90 minutes a day, five days a week, for three months. At the end of which, their telomeres had lengthened by 20%. They were 25 years younger. Or at least their telomeres were. I may be glossing over a few things (one of you likens me to Kramer in my enthusiasms), but I’ve already found a manufacturer. I’m trying to find out whether I can invest; and whether they have one I can sit in watching movies while I de-age. I have a friend who’s paid a fortune to freeze himself when the day comes. But forget cryogenics. My way, if it works, could keep the day from coming in the first place; and is so much warmer. Oh — and look who got 306 Electoral College votes. Thanks to all of you who helped.