To Your Good Health, Pluto — And Happy New Year! December 31, 2015December 25, 2015 Whether or not Pluto’s a planet, you can’t tell me this photo isn’t amazing. (Thanks, Tom!) New Horizons left Earth almost exactly ten years ago and now sends this back. If you or anyone you know has not yet got health care coverage, here‘s a four-minute video of encouragement. Open enrollment runs through January 31. Visit healthcare,gov. Did you see last week’s column on Evenwel ? Not to be tedious, but the case so threatens to shift — yet more! — clout to the already wealthy and powerful that I wanted to plug it again. Hue, dear reader! Cry! And consider this additional argument, based on the Fourteenth “equal protection” Amendment (“No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States”): (1) Certainly, children and felons are citizens, yes? (2) Not counting them in drawing legislative districts gives them (and the others in their district) less political power per capita and thus abridges their privileges. No? Q.E.D., as we used to say in geometry class. By way of illustration, imagine one district comprised entirely of 30,000 seniors living on golf courses (whose folks had been able to buy them out of felony marijuana-possession charges when they were at Dartmouth). They get one representative. And another district with 90,000 citizens, two-thirds of them children and felons. Under Evenwel, they, too, would get just one representative — a third the representation per capita. A third is not equal. Neither is three-fifths. And yet this is what the Republicans seek from the Supreme Court — just as they sought (successfully) to have the Court gut the Voting Rights Act and sought (successfully) to have the Court grant corporations and wealthy donors more influence on election outcomes. Hurrah for the rich and powerful — in America, the pendulum swings ever more their way. And while I’m reprising stuff from last week, if you didn’t have a chance the first time: here again, the President’s Top Ten List for 2015 — with reason to be proud . . . and hopeful for 2016. Happy New Year!