Found Money! September 13, 2000February 15, 2017 Rick Mordesovich: “This is the site to find all the unclaimed money that is owed to you or your family. Several folks at work yesterday (at play?) found over $500 was owed to their family members. Maybe you have money coming as well…I want 10%!!!” ☞ OK, so it’s not quite as easy or thrilling as Mark Twain’s $50 on the side walk in San Francisco (“I have made hundreds of thousands of dollars in my lifetime. But the most glorious money I ever got was a $50 bill I found on the sidewalk in San Francisco.”), but it could be worth a quick look. Happy hunting. Are you registered to vote? A lot of people do mean to vote, they just never get around to registering. Because, well, how do you even do it? Easy! Just choose your state (from the lower of the two pull-down menus), and click GO. And hey: Where will you BE November 7? Unless you’re certain to be in town, act now to get an absentee ballot.