Executive Summary May 14, 2016May 14, 2016 Leaving the long form up for those who have an interest, but herewith the nub of it: The Wall Street Journal yesterday slammed President Clinton and his foundation for having helped a start-up company in the home energy-efficiency space. Headline: CHARITY AIDS CLINTON FRIENDS. The New York Post — owned, like the Journal, by Rupert Murdoch — amped it even further: BUBBA STEERED CHARITY $$ TO ‘FRIEND’ BLOND BOMBHELL. Inside Philanthropy characterized the Journal story as “almost comically clueless” — a “hit job” — and debunked it at length. The Foundation put out its own compelling statement — all interesting, if you care about healing the world, but start with just this: Since 2005, members of the CGI community have made more than 3,400 commitments that are improving the lives of more than 430 million people in 180 countries around the world. The Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal and New York Post chose to focus their front-page stories on a single one of those 3,400, and to lead people to believe that the former president used $2 million of foundation money to aid a for-profit company owned by his friends . . . when in fact ZERO dollars were so used. ZERO. Not a proud day for the Wall Street Journal. Have a nice day!