QUESTION: What did women or African Americans ever do to build this country? (Other than build the White House and the Capitol and about a billion other things.) So Mnuchin (famously pictured here) has decided, as you know, to keep our money all white men until 2028. The Harriet Tubman $20 bill has been postponed. (Will Americans even USE currency in 2028? Already the Chinese have basically gone cashless; won’t we have by then?) And the explanation is that it will take nine years to solve “counterfeiting issues.”
This is as believable as that the Trump Tower meeting was — as Trump personally dictated — primarily about adopting Russian children.
THE BIG PICTURE: A pathological liar and sociopath — who now says he won’t do anything with Congress until they drop all investigations — is wrecking our democracy and the world order that so many Americans we remember this Memorial Day fought and died to build and protect.
Putin is winning.
Click here if you’re in a position to help fight back. We may not get another chance.