The Court: Too August To Be Televised April 10, 2014 THE COURT How one longs for the days of nonpartisan Justices making wise decisions. Very hard to see Bush v. Gore as having been such a decision. And once Bush was installed and moved the Court further right, we got this: Five minutes from Jon Stewart guaranteed to make you laugh and cry. EXPENSIVE DRUG Would it be in some way death-panelish to suggest that we shouldn’t be paying $28,000 for vials of a drug that, according to Forbes, cost $50 when first approved in the 1950s? CHEAP STOCK Tom Martel: “Is there something going on with BOREF that is driving down the price? Or is the lack of (good) news allowing it to slip?” ☞ Patience is hard to sustain. I am only good at it because I’m wildly diversified (so there’s always something going on) and because of my Friendly’s Ice Cream experience, where I held on for a couple of years — an eternity to a 25-year-old — only to sell days before it was acquired at a higher price. Scarred for life. And because I’ve seen it rewarded. I bought 1,000 shares of TPL (Texas Pacific Land Trust) in 1995 at $4.35 — a stock that could hardly be more different from BOREF, except that it was pretty obscure and seemed to represent a lot of potential value. The only piece of the story relevant here is that I sold some of it yesterday at $125. I have others like this — and of course lots that are worthless. But if you’ve bought BOREF with money you can truly afford to lose, whether you paid $3 or $21, I would just wait. E-Taxi of some kind strikes me as inevitable; WheelTug seems to have the best solution; why is that not potentially worth a lot of money?