Over the Top February 11, 2005February 28, 2017 HOW OVER THE TOP IS THIS? So this guy walks into the White House press room under a fake name (Jeff Gannon) and President Bush calls on him for a fake question, and . . . well, I imagine you’ve seen all this by now, perhaps here, in The Daily News (‘his real name was Jim Guckert and he owned various Web sites, including HotMilitaryStud.com, MilitaryEscorts.com and MilitaryEscortsM4M.com’) or here, in Salon. (‘. . . How can a reporter using a fake name and working for a fake news organization get press credentials from the White House, let alone curry enough favor with the notoriously disciplined Bush administration to get picked by the president in order to ask fake questions?’) HOW OVER THE TOP IS THIS? This flash video is offensive and over the top, but worth watching to decide where you think it goes too far and by how much. Some believe we are in, or at least approaching, the foothills of fascism. Others would be appalled at that notion. But for the same reason it is appalling – such a notion is unthinkable in America – they should watch this video, just to be sure it will always remain unthinkable. Have a great weekend. (Go, Green Bay!)