Either Way, We’ll Win February 21, 2024February 20, 2024 The Houston Chronicle has endorsed . . . Joe Biden for President of the United States . . . Under the leadership of the oldest and arguably the most experienced president in American history, the team in the White House for the past three years has performed remarkably well, despite the rancor and divisiveness that have afflicted this nation for nearly a decade. The accomplishments of an administration dedicated to governing, one that believes in the power of government to make life better for the American people, is a key reason we heartily endorse the reelection of President Joe Biden. The other reason, equally important, is to fend off the chaos, corruption and danger to the nation that would accompany the return of Donald Trump to the White House. . . . Worth reading in full. I endorse their hearty endorsement — heartily — but it’s worth noting that, if, come August, the President believes our odds of winning would be better with a younger candidate, as Ezra Klein and Ross Douthat argue, he can throw open the Democratic Convention as they suggest and let the delegates choose the nominee “the old-fashioned way,” as they used to. No other candidate would have Joe’s experience, his relationships with world leaders, or his team of 4,000 seasoned appointees (with no transition, learning curve, or Senate confirmations required). But he has half a year to decide. Either way, the world is counting on us to win, and that requires organizing now. So, either way, please help if you can! Did you solve yesterday’s brain teaser? Share it with Republican friends? How did they respond? BONUS Fareed Zakaria’s take on Tucker Carlson. Tucker really loves Moscow.