Mark Cuban’s Latest Recommendations.
For your reading pleasure.
Meet this 17-year-old prosecutor.
. . . By early 2019, he had passed all the CLEP exams and could start applying to law school while he finished eighth grade.
“At first it was very intimidating — I had zero knowledge about the law,” Park told The Washington Post. “But now, I pretty much have a 10-year head start. That’s like living 10 years extra. I value that over the traditional high school experience.” . . .
I just had to share this. (Thank you, David.)
And finally, on the off chance you’ve missed this, or an opinion piece like it: University presidents flunk the humanity test.
As Bill Maher has pointed out over and over, many campuses — and others — are way too woke when it comes to “trigger warnings” and “microaggressions.”
Yet when it comes to genocide — whether of Muslims, Jews, whites, blacks, or anyone else — that needs context before a determination can be made?
Have a great week.