Yes, Wow, And Double Wow January 8, 2025 Rob F.: “Do you get the feeling the U.S. is looking more and more like Russia, with a strongman autocrat and a small band of obsequious oligarchs?” Kathy M.: “The Atlantic has just published How Hitler Dismantled a Democracy in 53 Days, by Timothy W. Ryback. It’s well worth your time. Your refrain that we must stay politically engaged is demonstrated in every paragraph.” → Thanks, Kathy. It was indeed worth my time. But of even more direct, immediate relevance was Monday’s Maddow. I hope it hasn’t expired and that you can watch simply by clicking that link. It just builds and builds, mostly with stuff I didn’t know. And while I have the floor, I’d like to say that once-a-week Maddow is even better than five-day-a-week Maddow was. Having a full week — instead of a day — to hone each one has just made them better.