Very Wow July 9, 2009March 15, 2017 MY COLLEGE CHUM WENT TO LIVE IN A TREE And here we are, nearly 27 years later, and he’s improved thousands of lives (and I’m pretty sure he now lives in a hut). Here‘s the annual report. As you’ll see, what Bob and his college pal Steven (who lives in an apartment several mule-hours from the Turimiquire valley) have accomplished on a shoestring in the last dozen years since becoming an official foundation is remarkable. And replicable throughout Venezuela and beyond. Women’s rights, family planning, anti-poverty, rural development microfinance enthusiasts – take note. PHOTOS Take a look at the world through Tipper Gore’s eye. PRINTING – FAST AND CHEAP You need leave your keyboard only to answer the door when your order arrives. Click here. HOME – THE MOVIE Very wow. Did you watch it? I’m counting on you to block out some time this weekend.