Today’s Absolutely-Must-Read September 4, 2023 ‘Ghostbuster’ Bill Barr was the ‘Who Ya Gonna Call?’ guy for 3 treasonous GOP presidents . . . The depth and breadth of Bill Barr’s possible crimes against democracy are just now coming into clearer focus. We shouldn’t be surprised: like Ghostbusters, Bill Barr has been the “Who ya gonna call?” guy for Republican presidents committing treason for 30 years. Most people know that when the Mueller investigation was completed — documenting ten prosecutable cases of Trump personally engaging in criminal obstruction of justice and witness tampering to prevent the Mueller Report investigators from getting to the bottom of his 2016 connections to Russia — Barr buried the report for weeks while lying to the American people about its content. But what’s coming out now is far more sinister: the Trump campaign and Paul Manafort were working with Russian oligarchs Oleg Derapaska and Konstantin Kilimnik to prevent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — who they believed was an anti-Putin hardliner — from becoming president. Their combined efforts succeeded and Barr, when he learned about it, appears to have helped cover it up. . . . . . . The CIA then alerted spies around the world that their identities had probably been compromised, apparently by the president himself. . . . And so much more. Worth reading in full! BONUS Here’s what he was like in high school.