To Your Good Health December 30, 2024December 28, 2024 SAVE A FORTUNE ON DRUGS A friend with some kind of “drug plan” he says he doesn’t understand paid only $1,600 for a 90-day supply of Truvada. It would have cost nearly $6,000 without insurance. Or . . . He could have paid $42 at Mark Cuban’s Cost Plus Drugs (and from now on, will). I’ve long recommended Cost Plus Drugs. It’s no good for something you need right away; but for pills you take regularly? It’s saved me so many thousands of dollars it’s ridiculous. Here is Mark Cuban on health insurance (and/or the longer Wired interview from whence it comes). Mark Cuban for President? If we want a business guy famous from TV, I sure wish we had the Shark Tank star, not the Apprentice. SAVE A FORTUNE ON DEMENTIA As I’ve long pitched you, there’s ample peer-reviewed evidence to suggest that a few hours a year exercise with BrainHQ (a company in which I’m a small investor) will significantly lower your risk of developing dementia . . . lower the frequency and severity of auto accidents . . . and, if you’re an NFL quarterback, improve your performance long past the age other quarterbacks have retired. If only Kay Granger were one of your fellow readers and had followed this advice. Congressional ‘Gerontocracy’ Worries Resurface After Member Found to Be Living in Senior Facility. Dementia is costly in so many ways. And seems to be largely preventable. CORRECTIONS Friday, I said “Intel” when I meant “Qualcomm.” Oops. And a day or two before, I said “million” when I meant “billion.” Just going to prove that young people have senior moments, too. (Well, young-ish.)