Rachel! Rachel! October 28, 2009March 16, 2017 OPT-OUT As noted in August, many of us would like to see some improved version of the British or French or Canadian system (with our spending vastly more than they do, there would be room for improvement, even as our costs came way down) – but a “single-payer” system is not in the cards. Failing that, we hope a “public option” will be part of the compromise. Yet even that was in trouble in August. Well, here was my suggestion: a “public option” for those states that want it. Couldn’t that pass? So it now [October] looks as though this may indeed be the compromise. But to be clear on how tame this is, and to see the whole spectrum of possible reform, from left to right, see: RACHEL MADDOW ON THE PUBLIC OPTION Here. RACHEL MADDOW ON FOX “NEWS” Here she does four enlightening minutes on the Tea Party schism . . . in the course of which she shows the promos Fox “News” ran to promote the Tea Parties, a part of Fox programming. WHY JOURNALISTS SHOULDN’T BE DEFENDING FOX NEWS Bill Press makes the case here. CORRODED CAR BUMPERS Andrew Klossner: “That “Soft Drinks Hard Facts” document is urban legend. You can find a good discussion here.” ☞ Well, yes and no. Apparently, soft drinks do corrode bumpers – but that’s not such a big deal.