Jambox August 13, 2013August 13, 2013 JAMBOX KILLER You could buy a Jambox — and even after reading this, you might still. And if you already have one, you probably won’t throw it out — as you know, you just plug in your iPhone or Android and suddenly have symphonic-quality sound. Or if not symphonic quality, certainly not bad for the size and convenience. But guess what I just learned? All you have to do is stick your phone in an empty glass (or small vase), and you get the same symphonic speaker effect. Try it! Experiment with different size and shape glasses and you’ll soon find one that fits the bill. You just saved $250! And having to recharge anything or having to remember where you put it or, eventually, having to discard it. Because every time we live a little lighter on the land, well . . . WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD Click here. Two minutes. David Attenborough. After 5 billion years to get to this point, can we please not screw it all up? LA TO NY IN AN HOUR Click here. I mean, if they can print you up a new bionic ear in four hours, why not this?