Is Canada Supposed To Be Burning Like This? June 8, 2023 I know this much: you’re not supposed to be able to sail to the North Pole. And yet: Too late now to save Arctic summer ice, climate scientists find. And it seems to be happening faster than expected. And weakening the jet stream. And likely to set off a vicious cycle, as the Arctic will increasingly absorb heat the ice currently reflects. I know some people don’t “believe in” in science, but I wonder how they think their iPhones work — magic? Shunning plastic straws to fight climate change is kind of silly, but keeping your home at 78 in the summer and at 68 in the winter instead of the reverse, as many do, is not silly. (And will save you money.) Reducing the animal products in your diet is not silly. (And may save you money and improve your health.) Driving less and walking/biking more is not silly and will definitely save you money and improve your health. Next-generation nuclear energy is not silly. And though China burns huge quantities of coal to produce solar panels, that is not to say solar panels could not be produced with energy derived not from coal but from, say, solar panels. Solar and wind are spectacularly not silly. Hats off to Joe Biden for crafting a huge bipartisan investment in efforts to keep the planet habitable (though he did recently stumble over a black sandbag, which some people find equally significant). BONUS This IBM Selectric YouTube is a nice follow-up to the recent QYX Intelligent Typewriter mention that some of you seemed to enjoy. I’m still dazzled at how the Selectric worked with that crazy ball.