Earn Cash in Your Spare Time: Be a Poll Worker September 7, 2006March 5, 2017 CAN YOU VOTE? This is the place to find out how to find out . . . . . . whether you’re registered – and where to vote if you are . . . what kind of ID you’ll need . . . and how to become a poll worker. (Hey: think about it!) This one lets you know your state’s deadline for registering. Spread the word. ARE YOU SIGNED UP AT DEMOCRATS.ORG? If so, you probably got word yesterday of ‘The Path to 9/11,’ an ABC ‘docudrama’ set to air Monday, supposedly ‘based on the 9/11 Commission Report.’ And yet, according to the DNC e-mail: Richard Clarke – the counterterrorism czar for the Clinton administration, now himself a consultant to ABC News – describes a key scene in “The Path to 9/11” as “180 degrees from what happened.” In the scene, a CIA field agent places a phone call to get the go ahead to kill Osama Bin Laden, then in his sights, only to have a senior Clinton administration official refuse and hang up the phone. Sandy Berger, President Clinton’s National Security Advisor,called the same scene “a total fabrication. It did not happen.” And Roger Cressey, a top Bush and Clinton counterterrorism official, said it was “something straight out of Disney and fantasyland. It’s factually wrong. And that’s shameful.” Another scene revives the old right-wing myth that press reporting made it impossible to track Osama bin Laden, accusing the Washington Post of blowing the secret that American intelligence tracked his satellite phone calls. In reality, responsibility for that blunder — contrary to “The Path to 9/11” — rests with none other than the arch-conservative Washington Times. The former National Security Council head of counterterrorism says that President Clinton “approved every request made of him by the CIA and the U.S. military involving using force against bin Laden and al-Qaeda,” and the 9/11 report says the CIA had full authority from President Clinton to strike Bin Laden. Yet chief “Path to 9/11” scriptwriter Cyrus Nowrasteh, a friend of Rush Limbaugh, says the miniseries shows how President Clinton had “frequent opportunities in the ’90s to stop Bin Laden in his tracks — but lacked the will to do so.” This is a a conservative attempt to rewrite the history of September 11 to blame Democrats, just in time for the election. Tell Walt Disney president Robert Iger that you hold his company responsible – and that this community demands that ABC tell the truth: http://www.democrats.org/pathto911 ☞ I haven’t seen “The Path to 9/11,” but I hope it opens with the scene at Blair House, January 7, 2001 – 13 days before he was even Inaugurated – where the President-elect (and the Vice President-elect and Condoleeza Rice) were told that America faced a “tremendous,” “immediate” threat from Osama Bin Laden – and then ignored the threat, focusing on Iraq instead. A nice place to end it would be with shots of the President clearing brush intercut with Secretary Rice trying to recall for the Senate the title of the August 6, 2001, Presidential Daily Briefing. (“Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in U.S.”) But that would still not excuse the distortions that Clarke and Berger and Cressley appear to have identified. Which brings me back to the importance of registering to vote, finding out what kind of ID you’ll need, and maybe even signing up to be a poll worker.