Cosmic Fifties Razor Strop Pinball January 28, 2013December 27, 2016 Here‘s 5 billion years in just two minutes. (Thanks, Alan S.) And here — just The Fifties. Eleven minutes, titled, “Best of Times.” Not shown: polio, the draft, or the need to rise from your couch to change from one channel to the other two. Or the little wads of Kleenex hanging from your chin where you nicked yourself shaving. Luann Vodder: “Speaking of shaving [covered here], this hit my inbox today: A clever money-saving sharpening tool.” ☞ Ah, the leather strop! It really is the Fifties. For knives, too. Here‘s one on Amazon for less. And did you know that pinball machines (covered in that same post) were in some places illegal in the Fifties? Did you know that Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia took a sledge hammer to them in 1942? Read it here, in The Atlantic. YMI We bought this a couple of years ago at $1.65, and possibly a bit more at $1.35 a year ago, and took our profit last month at $2.86. Gilead Sciences is acquiring it at $2.95 a share. We need more like this.