Climate Change November 13, 2012November 12, 2012 Yesterday I offered a few thoughts on entitlement reform. Today I hand the mike to David Pogue of the New York Times, who does a beautifully clear job here, on “CBS Sunday Morning,” of answering three questions: is climate change real (yes), are humans causing it (yes), is there anything we can do about it (yes). Watch — and then forward the link to that uncle of yours. In a diverse society, it’s important to respect the holders of all non-violent views. If Scientologists want to believe we each get a planet when we die, we have to respect that just as we respect what Mormons believe (actually, I think it’s they who get the planet), Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Keynesians, federalists, — all of it. Fine. But that doesn’t mean we need to respect the views themselves. It’s okay to mock the view — self-evident though it surely seemed for thousands of years — that the Earth is flat. Indeed, I think, it’s important to do so. Likewise the “view” that when you add two stones from your left pocket to the two stones in your right pocket, you have anything other than four stones in your right pocket. When you have as chairman of the House committee on climate change someone who denies man’s role in climate change and the urgent need to do something about it, you have a big, big problem. The Republican Party — at least so long as it remains inexplicably entrusted with a majority in the House — has an enormous responsibility to find that man a different committee to chair. Does your uncle disagree?