Canada, France, A Very Short Man, And Aldous Huxley — Plus CNF / PRKR March 18, 2025March 18, 2025 A two-minute view from Canada — Trump is evil. Another from France (if you missed the subtitled clip I posted last week) — Trump is a traitor. (The translation comes courtesy of Robert Reich. If you have time to feel really good, read his remembrance of the late Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson, who died last week.) If you don’t have time to watch Trump’s 40-Year Entanglement with the FBI and Organized Crime from the beginning, you’ll see I’ve cued it up to just the last few minutes. It’s also fun to watch this minute, where Trump swears under oath that he’s met Felix Sater so few times that “if he were sitting in the room right now I really wouldn’t know what he looked like” . . . followed by Sater saying he met Trump “hundreds, maybe thousands of times.” Putin is winning. Floating around the ether: a photo of Aldous Huxley bellowing, as if he were alive today (he died in 1963), “I wrote 1984 as a warning, not as a f—ing instruction manual!” Never mind that it was George Orwell who wrote it. Huxley wrote Brave New World. The point stands. CNF — If you bought this one when I first suggested it, you’ve lost a lot of money. Like me, you may have sold those original shares for a tax loss, waited 31 days, and then bought many more shares much cheaper. (Or reversed the order, first buying the cheap shares, then waiting 31 days to sell the expensive ones.) Friday, I saw it trading at 65 cents — less than 3X earnings. I tried to buy a lot of shares, but some Fidelity algorithm that had apparently been designed to protect me from myself (did I really know what I was doing?) limited my order to 10,000 shares. By the time I reached a human who reached a human who — eyebrow raised, as I imagine it — lifted the restriction, the stock was 80 cents, so they had managed to protect me from making many thousands of dollars. Yesterday it changed hands at 90 cents in after-hours trading. But that’s still just 3.5X earnings. CNF is in China . . . so who knows? And if memory serves, there is a 2-cent-a-share annual fee paid to the American custodian of these “American Depositary Receipts.” But my CNF guru — who had considered it a great buy at $4 years ago — says that, as far as he knows, “There is really nothing new or bad other than the Chinese market. Business is fine.” He owns a ton of it, and I own a small ton — though only with money I can truly afford to lose. PRKR doesn’t need the Supreme Court to accept its petition for review . . . or grant the petition if it does. Its pending cases don’t depend on that. But if, like me, you own shares, and/or care about American innovation . . . and thus care about American inventors . . . and thus care about having a patent system that actually protects American inventors . . . then this podcast could be of interest.