Enough with the gloom and doom already. (If you missed them, the last three columns have been about Year 2000.)
Faithful reader Bill Nagler offers us this important news:
While leading the Friday evening services, the Rabbi noticed a member of the congregation, Bernie, walk in with a St. Bernard. The Rabbi, horrified, asked the Cantor to continue the service and went over to talk to Bernie.
Rabbi: "What are doing here with a dog?"
Bernie: "The dog came here to pray."
"Oh, come on." says the Rabbi.
"YES!" says Bernie.
Rabbi: "I don’t believe you. You are just fooling around; that’s not a proper thing to do in temple."
Bernie: "It’s true!"
"OK," says the Rabbi (thinking he would call Bernie’s bluff), "then show me what the dog can do."
"OK," says Bernie. He nods to the dog.
The dog proceeds to open up the barrel under his neck, removes a yarmulke, a tallis and a prayer book, and actually starts saying prayers in Hebrew. The Rabbi is so shocked he listens for a full 15 minutes.
When the Rabbi regains his composure, he is so impressed with the quality of the praying he says to Bernie: "Do you think your dog would consider going to Rabbinical school?"
Bernie, throwing up his hands in disgust, says, "YOU TALK TO HIM! He wants to be a doctor!"