Computer Hell March 2, 2005March 25, 2012 So I turned on my trusty Thinkpad and after a huff and a puff it beeped twice and died. Something about a fan problem. I kept trying, and managed to get it limping along to keep from losing data. I plan to spend the next three weeks trying to transfer it all to my other Thinkpad and get back up and running. O, woe is me. Self pity floods my office. It takes a canoe to get around. But the bright side for you is a mercifully brief posting for a change. Indeed, this may be the perfect time to pass on this little item that’s been circulating, in case you hadn’t seen it. It’s about being concise: “A college class was told they had to write a short story in as few words as possible. The story must contain three components: (1) Religion, (2) Sexuality, and (3) Mystery. There was only one A+ paper in the entire class. In full: ‘Good God! I’m pregnant. I wonder who did it.'” Not me. Make backups!