Graduation! May 29, 2020 Harvard’s commencement Thursday was the best ever. The logistics were the least of it — but still: Not too cold or too hot, no umbrella to worry about (if I don’t bring one, it will rain) . . . no $600 hotel room or insanely impossible traffic . . . and seats so good you could see and hear as if you were three feet from the stage. You could show up in a t-shirt and not feel under-dressed. There was much to like about the morning program (Yo-Yo Ma!), but if you don’t have time to watch it all, scroll down to Marty Baron’s commencement address. Or just watch it here on YouTube. The former editor of the Miami Herald, and then the Boston Globe (played by Liev Schrieber in the movie), and now the Washington Post (“Democracy Dies In Darkness”), this quiet, unnervingly modest but steely strong man made anyone who cares about truth and decency proud. It is a must watch / must share. (And if you want something lighter, here’s how Conan O’Brien closed out the afternoon program.) Have a great weekend.