Tom Brady is going to the Super Bowl for the millionth time.
How does a 43-year-old stay so sharp?
Have you done your brain exercises today?
If you can get your parents to spend 30 minutes a week on this, there’s peer-reviewed reason to believe you’ll meaningfully lessen the odds of having to care for them with dementia years from now. And to believe that they’ll have fewer, less severe auto accidents (because their reaction time will be faster).
So I continue to nag.*
*And continue to own a sliver of the company.
PRKR had a good day yesterday.
The judge denied Intel’s request to move the case to Oregon . . . sided with PRKR’s framing of the 26 disputed “terms” to be considered by the jury . . . and then said (in effect), “But hey, folks, there are nine separate patents in dispute here.”
After which one might have expected him to say, “Which is way too many for a jury to cope with, so pick your three or four strongest, Parker, and we’ll go with those.” But no.
Instead he said (in effect), “So what we’re gonna do is have two trials, with two separate juries, each one considering four or five of the patents.” The first trial to commence February 7, 2022; the second, about two months later.
This strikes me as good news all around:
> Intel may one day have to pony up.
> Four smaller firms PRKR has sued in the same court might see yesterday’s ruling as a reason to settle rather than litigate.
> And Qualcomm? The real black hat in this story? Different court, different law firm, much bigger potential damages — scheduled to go to trial May 3.
Having bought a ridiculous number of shares at a dime and then a ridiculous lot more at 35 cents, I may lighten up a bit if and as PRKR — 74 cents last night — approaches a dollar. But my dream is to sell most of it a lot higher.
And to get rid of the filibuster.
(Worth the read.)